Jan 24, 2009

Worship in the Wonder of God...

Why do Christians always seek to understand everything about God? Its like asking an ant to understand why we do the things that we do. Why do we not just bask in the wonder of what God is? I don't think that this is an easy question to answer.

To be honest I think it has to do with how we are wired. Humanity, Americans in particular, are so obsessed with knowing everything there is to know about a situation. We go to school to learn everything about a particular profession that we can so we can be ready for that profession. We aren't happy with just knowing as much as we need to know. Rather we feel that we need to go above and beyond to fully understand everything. I am guilty of this too.

We do this with our relationships with God as well. We question God to let us in on His plan at all times rather than just going with the flow of God. We feel like God has to explain Himself in great detail that way we won't feel left out. I am this way too. However I do not think this is how our relationship with God should be.

I love the way that Job answers God after God grills him with questions of His own.

"Job answered,
I'm speechless, in awe-- words fail me.
I should have never opened my mouth!
I've talked too much, way too much.
I'm ready to shut up and listen."
(Job 40:3-5, The Message)

Notice how Job responds to God. He shuts up and listens to God. How many times do we actually sit back and just enjoy God as He is, rather than what we want Him to be. Do we ever just sit back and enjoy the wonder of God. Rather than try to understand Him totally we should really just worship the fact that we don't understand everything about him and never will.

We will never ever understand everything about God. Now I am not saying that we should not try to understand Him at all. That's not the case. If we don't understand the nature of God, then we will never understand what we are to do as followers of Christ. David writes in the eighth psalm, "What is man that You take thought of him, / and the son of man that You care for him? (Psalm 8:4). God loves us enough that He wants to let us in on His plan. But not all at once.

So really it comes down to faith. Do we have faith enough just to go with God and not wonder where we are going. Or will we always ask questions and object when things aren't going our way. Donald Miller says in his book Blue Like Jazz that "too much of our time is spent trying to chart God on a grid, and too little is spent on allowing our hearts to feel awe. By reducing Christian spirituality to formula, we deprive our hearts of wonder . . . I don't think there is any better worship than wonder."

Sometimes we just need to be reminded how expansive God is, how unfathomable He is. But this wonder of God is truly worship of Him as well. So rather than question God, or make our religion in to a set of rules and regulations, let us just bask in the nature and awesomeness of God, not wanting more than just Him.

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