Dec 23, 2008

A Much Needed Christmas...

I leave for the great state of Arkansas tomorrow morning (at the great and wonderful time of 5 AM) and what a wonderful time it is going to be. I will be spending my time with some of my favorite people in the world: the Browns of Monticello, Arkansas. Now this is a time of year that I especially look forward to, not just because it's Christmas, but because it's one of the only times that I get to see the man that I look up to most in this world, my grandfather.

He is 80 years old, has early Alzheimer's disease, but still remembers his love for Christ and this inspires me every time I see him tear up while praying. Also seeing his deep love for his family just inspires me to be a father like him, a grandfather like him, and a great-grandfather like him.

This trip is different. I do believe that this year marks the first time that I really could not think of anything that really wanted for Christmas. Now I am not saying that Christmas is for presents only, but with my family that is a big tradition. We have always gathered in the afternoon on Christmas and opened presents together as an extended family. This year I won't have a lot to open, and that is okay with me. I would much rather go and spend time with them then open up presents. Back in the day, I would have thought myself absurd for saying this but its true. I am more content with watching and observing others and their happiness. Call me crazy but its true.

So as I leave for Arkansas tomorrow, thank God for this season. And God bless us everyone! Merry Christmas.

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